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Selectmen Minutes 05/09/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
May 9, 2006

Present:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

SUBJECT: Emergency Management Director

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Emergency Management Director, Mr. John Martell had nothing to report.  However, he did have a question regarding parking on the lawn next to the pavilion and the snack shack at Carpenter Park.  Mr. Martell stated that he was concerned for the safety of the children.  He wanted to know if no parking signs were going to be posted.  Selectman DeBold stated that he would be meeting with the committee members on Thursday.  The Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally stated that people are parking on both sides of Carpenter Road and it makes driving on that road difficult.  Selectman Colbert said that if we feel no one should be parking on this road, then it should be posted that way.

Selectman DeBold advised Mr. Martell and the other Department Heads that the Town will be filing the plan and dredge and fill application with the State for Marsh Pond Dam.  He had requested when the dam is actually removed, he would like a uniformed police officer there.

SUBJECT:  Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  The Building Inspector, Mr. David Paveglio had received a letter from the Office of Energy and Planning regarding floodplain management.  He had some questions that he wanted the Selectmen to help him with.  Selectman DeBold stated that he could be at the meeting on the 23rd .

Chairman MacCleery asked Mr. Paveglio if he had an opportunity to look at the Halliquist property.  He said he had and that it does not appear to be anyone living in the barn, it appears that they are fixing up the barn.  A resident stated that the Halliquists are building a carriage house suitable for a wedding and a work shop.  The resident questioned why there was a farmer’s porch being built on the back of the barn.  The resident also stated that a foundation has been poured and a building was moved onto the foundation, they asked if you needed a permit to move a building.  Mr. Paveglio stated that in accordance with the zoning any improvement that costs more than $500.00 should have a building permit; however, if it is general maintenance, i.e. replacement of your roof you don’t need a permit as that is considered general maintenance.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he will, in the near future be asked for occupancy permits for Malachy Glen Phase II.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he was not signing off on the roads and there are some issues that need to be addressed.  In accordance with RSA  676:12V roads must be completed before occupancy permits can be given.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS: Police Chief Patrick Clarke reported that the new Officer, Stacey Seluk has completed the part-time academy.  Chairman MacCleery stated that the Town did not plan for the Police Department to have 4 vehicles.  Chief Clarke explained that the old police cruiser is being used for detail work; a car is kept at his house and a car is used for the officer that is on call; and the other vehicle is used for patrol.  He stated that when midnight shifts start the cars will be on rotation.

Chairman MacCleery asked Chief Clarke about detail work. He wanted to know how much the Town was paid for detail work.  Chief Clarke told the Board of Selectmen that the Town receives $17.00 per hour; depending on the detail.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally stated that someone on Martel Road closed their driveway and added a stone wall and put the rocks 14 feet from the center of the road.

Mr. Kenneally presented the Board of Selectmen with an outline of the work that will be done on the 13 miles of road that was suggested by the Road Advisory Committee and voted on at Town Meeting.  He stated that he is going to try to average 1,000 feet a day.  He said currently he is working on trees and grading roads.  He said that one full-timer has started and the second one will be starting on May 15, 2006.

Mr. Kenneally stated that he has been working on culverts on Lover’s Lane he said that he is working on the intersection at Short Falls Road.  He stated that he has built up Lover’s Lane to meet with Short Falls Road.

Mr. Kenneally reviewed a report he received from CLD Engineering regarding the roads is Malachy Glen II.  Mr. Kenneally advised the Selectmen that he will not be accepting the roads.  He has told them this in the past. With the permission of the Selectmen, he has hired CLD Engineers to inspect the roads. Mr. Kenneally stated that the Town Engineer had signed off on things that should never have been signed off.  Monies were released from the bond that should not have been released.

Selectman DeBold stated that Mr. Kenneally should put his concerns in writing and that Mr. Kenneally was asked this several times.  Mr. Kenneally responded that he was using this report (CLD) as his “in writing” report and that he was not signing off on the roads.  Selectman DeBold stated that the major issue was the sub base.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he would like to see some core drillings done.

Chairman MacCleery stated that the Town should send CLD’s report to the Town’s Engineer.  Selectman DeBold stated that he thinks the CLD’s report should be summarized and sent to the Town Engineer.

Mr. Kenneally is concerned about whose liability is it when rocks start popping through the pavement, is it the Town’s, the contractor’s or the Town Engineer’s?  Selectman Colbert stated that if the Town does not address this issue now, that the contractor nor the Town Engineer will not be back to take care of the repairs.  Selectman DeBold stated that the Town could hold onto the Bond.

Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert asked Mr. Kenneally if has started to cold patch on Center Road.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he has started today and will continue if it is not raining.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Fire Chief Mike Paveglio stated that “in David’s defense I have been hearing about this road issue for a long time”.  

Chief Paveglio reported that the cistern has been put in at Malachy Glen II without his knowledge.  He said the cistern is in the process of being filled up.  Chief Paveglio stated that he had spoken to the Town Engineer, Mr. Bill Rollins about the cistern and Mr. Rollins stated that “he did not witness that”.  Chief Paveglio stated that the cistern can not leak.  He stated that the cistern is in four pieces and there are 7, 500 gallon tanks that are piped together.

Chief Paveglio stated that he and Selectman DeBold met with the neighbor who lives next to the Safety Station.  The removal of the fence was not mentioned.  Selectman Colbert stated that if the fence stays, it should be placed on the property line and the Town will maintain it.

Chief Paveglio stated that he needs to get the incident command class scheduled; he said he will be inviting other towns.  He stated that the class is 16 hours and asked the Board of Selectmen what their preference was, do they want to have the class on Saturday or week nights.  It was decided that it would be weeknights.

Chief Paveglio stated that there will be a mutual aide drill on June 5, 2005.  It will be held during the evening and Concord Hospital will be involved.  He will keep the Board of Selectmen posted.

Chairman MacCleery stated that he would hate to see a gate at the school.  He would rather see a “no parking” sign and give people warnings the first time and then ticket them after that.  Chief Paveglio stated that the school has agreed to put the gate up.  The gate will be a swing gate and will only be closed during school events.

SUBJECT: Mr. Arthur Aznive

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Aznive met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss a parcel of land that is between his property and a abutter.  He showed the Board of Selectmen a registered plan that had annexed the land to his property.  The Board felt that Mr. Aznive could have the deed modified and registered at the Merrimack Registry of Deeds.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS: Selectman DeBold met with the Town Attorney, Bart Mayer regarding Planning Board issues.  Selectman DeBold said he asked Mr. Mayer about having a mother and son on the Planning Board.  Mr. Mayer stated that there were no RSA’s that says it is illegal.  However, he is not in favor of it and feels that having a mother and son on the same board could invite problems.  Selectman DeBold stated that had asked about having the Road Agent on the Planning Board and Mr. Mayer strongly advised having the Road Agent on the Planning Board.  Selectman Colbert will ask Mr. Kenneally if he would like to be on the Planning Board.  Selectman DeBold stated that he asked Mr. Mayer about sealing the minutes of a non-pubic session for a duration of time and Mr. Mayer stated that it was not necessary for an amount of time to be set.

Chairman MacCleery asked about the number of members on the Planning Board. Currently there are 7 voting members and a couple of alternates. Patty was asked to have Erin research old Town Reports to see how many Planning Board members there should be.  Selectman DeBold stated that he spoke with Katie Ruoff and she is not interested in being on the Planning Board, but perhaps her husband would be interested.  It was decided to invite Mr. Ruoff in to meet with the Selectmen.

Chairman MacCleery informed the Board that he had contacted the State Veterinarian regarding a complaint letter the Town received from someone regarding goats possibly being in ill health.  Chairman MacCleery said he was told by the State Veterinarian’s office that we did the right thing.  A question of health regarding animals is not the call of the Board of Selectmen or the Health Officer.  Selectman Colbert suggested that if another complaint comes in regarding any animals in the Town of Chichester that person should be directed to call the State Veterinarian and the Town should not make that call.

Chairman MacCleery advised the Board that Mrs. Ann Fournier’s application to the Board of Adjustment has been returned to her because the application was not complete.

Chairman MacCleery stated that the Board needs to speak to Mr. Kenneally about charging over-time for attendance at the Department Head Meetings.  The meetings are part of his job and he should not be paid over-time to attend these meetings.

Selectman Colbert will be speaking with Mr. Kenneally regarding Mr. Pullen’s drainage problem.  Mr. Kenneally will be asked by the Board of Selectmen to get in touch with Mr. Pullen and follow through as soon as possible regarding erosion control, seed and mulch.

Briefly discussed was the landscaping invoice from BMC General Contractors.  Selectman DeBold stated that the invoice should not be split 50/50.  Parks and Recreation should be paying a larger percent.  Patty will ask Erin what percentage Parks and Recreation paid last year.

A Motion was made by Chairman MacCleery to forward the report submitted to the Board of Selectmen by the Road Agent drawn by CLD Engineering for review and documentation to the Town Engineer.  Selectman Colbert seconded the Motion.   Chairman MacCleery asked if there was discussion, Selectman Colbert said yes.  Selectman Colbert feels the Town should give Mr. Rollins the opportunity to address the concerns.  Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert agreed that we should ask Mr. Rollins for all of the daily/monthly inspection reports and material testing reports.  Selectman Colbert made an amendment to the Motion:  a letter of explanation will be sent to the Town Engineer with the letter from CLD Engineering.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the amendment.  There was no further discussion.  A vote was taken and Chairman MacCleery and Selectman Colbert were in favor of the Amended Motion and Selectman DeBold was not.

Selectman DeBold suggested that the Board should receive legal guidance regarding occupancy permits.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from May 2, 2006 were reviewed and approved

Being no further business, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 10:45PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman                

Richard DeBold, Selectman